Exclusive to SupaProofRead !
Proven, tested, breakthrough words that will get your writing noticed – exclusive to SupaProofRead for YOU!
You will write incredible web copy motivating readers to engage and act on your recommendations and making millions of pounds in commissions for yourself from happy clients.
Imagine how you will benefit from these powerful sales copy words?
Be FIRST to read this EXCLUSIVE blog post and comment with your powerful “GOOD” word to be used in creating breakthrough sales copy for the web!
Time Out
OK – my sales copy hat has come off and I can write normal English now 😉
Certain words drive a reader, particularly a reader who is searching the net for information either to help deal with a problem they have or performing research upon a product or service they are thinking of buying.
You have very little time to grab the attention and interest of the reader so give yourself some advantages over the writing competition.
We’ve dealt with “bad” words that should be avoided – if, but, maybe, could, should, perhaps…. these are all conditional and will lose the interest of your reader.
Now look at the copy above and pick out the words that leap out of the page – you should end up with a list similar to this one:
You/Your/Yourself – Exclusive – Proven – Tested – Breakthrough – Incredible – Benefit – First
There is no waffle in the copy above – it is imperative and decisive – “You will sell more stuff using these Brilliant words” which may sound uncomfortable and certainly may not sit well in polite, well-meaning company but sales copy is not about your feelings. Buyers/readers do not give a damn about you or your company or how many awards and recommendations the product or service has. They care about themselves and what your copy is telling them about solving their problem or satisfying a need – and that is it!
Focus on what the product or service will do for your reader and not on what it is.
One golden tip: use “You” more than “I” in your web or sales copy; you are looking to personalise the copy for your the reader and their issue, not your own.