While indulging in business writing, you have to take care of some dos and don’ts. You should take special care that your writing is effective in persuading your clientele, rather than driving your client to reject your business proposal. You should also ensure that the tone in which you are writing your business proposal is on a similar level to its proposed reader.
You should neither be too formal, nor become too patronizing with the reader. Most importantly, you should avoid common stylistic and grammatical mistakes such as those illustrated in memos, letters and reports. You should avoid the following seven major mistakes while indulging in business writing.
1. Do not use long sentences and paragraphs
An Italian proverb puts across this fact very well: “Think much, speak little, and write less.” Shorter sentences are easier to comprehend, and the chances of your business proposal being read are more in this case. In addition, try to keep short paragraphs, restraining one idea to one paragraph, as long paragraphs bore people, in case you didn’t know already.
2. Don’t use unnecessary words
More words do not mean more knowledge. Use necessary business jargon, but do not overload your writing with adjectives. You need not always add ‘successful’ before the word business to emphasize the fact.
3. Avoid complex words
Just because you really like a business term, it doesn’t mean that you have to put it in the middle of a business memo. Always keep in mind that the client may not have the same vocabulary as you do. Instead of impressing them with complex terminology, the actual impact might be quite the opposite. It is the substance, rather than the superficial style that counts.
4. Do not use inconsistent tenses
In case you have to change tenses, do it for a reason. Using the present tense is not bad at all, and using the past tense is not always impressive. An abrupt change in tenses is not pleasing to the eye, and the client can form a very poor opinion about you.
5. Avoid clichés
You have heard them enough, and so have your clients! I am sure they don’t want to hear them repeatedly. Give them something new and keep yourself away from clichés, saving them the agony.
6. Don’t be overly modest when you are writing
As much as you do not want to sound proud, you need not be unduly modest in your style of writing, while stating your achievements. You are out there to promote your business, so always keep that in mind.
7. Never be sarcastic
Avoid sentences with puns and double meanings (read some funny puns here). Though they may sound witty in your daily life, I am sure your clients will not be interested in sarcasm when you are stating facts. So avoid it like the plague.
Keep the above tips in mind when you want to write in business, and you will surely have better correspondence with your clientele! A little time and effort spent preparing your business draft can do your business a world of good.
Another thing I would add is try to write in the active rather than the passive voice