Writing as a career has no boundaries. An affinity for writing is something those who wish to begin their career as a writer should have. Other necessary traits include the ability to express ideas clearly in writing, self motivation, creativity and curiosity to know more and write more.
To begin with, editors and authors are generally first choice when it comes to choosing a career, but writers with a technical background can also specialize as a technical writer. A technical writer develops technical materials, such as equipment manuals or operating and maintenance instructions. Most technical writers work with engineers or other techie professionals on technical subject matters to prepare written interpretations for general readership.
A creative writer, a poet, a lyricist, a novelist and a screenwriter, create original work—such as prose, poems, plays and song lyrics; most of these are either for performance or for publication.
As a writer of non-fiction, you will have to put a lot of hard work into research of the specific topic that you have been given to write about. Information has to be gathered through the internet, newspapers, magazines and other print media, personal observation, interviews and most importantly the library.
Copy writers prepare advertising copy for use by publication or broadcast media, or to promote the sale of goods and services. Today, in a world where advertising reigns supreme, the work of a copywriter is very important. There is another branch of writers called newsletter writers, who produce information for distribution to association memberships, corporate employees, organizational clients or the general public.
One can even try as a freelance writer for a newspaper or a magazine, or even for an advertising agency or manufacturing firm. Freelance writing gives you the ability to work alone whenever you want, and not under the restriction of a particular company. Thousands of other individuals work as freelance writers, earning a good income from their articles, books and even television and movie scripts.
If none of the above areas suits you, then you can try your hand at science and medical writing. What you have to do here is to prepare a range of formal documents that present detailed information on physical or medical sciences. These show the research findings for scientific or medical professions and organize information for advertising or public relations.
One of the most sought after professions in writing is the post of the editor. Editors review, rewrite, and edit the work of writers. The duties of an editor may include editing the content of books, technical journals, trade magazines, and other general-interest publications.
One of the most common professions that has come about more recently is that of blogging. Bloggers write articles which are posted onto the internet. Blogs promote a business or support a cause, and may generate interest or income through other activities.
Many options are open to you.
This is a nice post. Personally, we have created accounts in other forms of social media aside from our official website to boost sales and generate interest of not only self-publishers and writers but people in general.